Monday, August 01, 2005

Busy week, very tired today

So here I am again.

Been to Clare's 'I'm becoming a doctor' party over the weekend, I'll put pics up on Flickr soon so everyone can see. Clare and Jim are going to Australia (and Singapor and Bali) for a month and are going to keep a journal at

And while I'm about it I'll also put up picks from Ant's 30th the weekend before.

I will do all this at the weekend, when I am not planning to go anywhere or see anyone, I want to stay firmly in my own house!

It's great to see people and do stuff but the house needs attention and I can't get things done during the week at all. Busy this week too, going to Jane and Justin's for dinner on Tuesday, Michelle's for dinner on Wednesday and Pilates on Thursday, where I may go to the pub as the class teacher is turning 50 next week.

Anyway, I have a long list of things I need to do, which I know will have to get carried into next week (month probably) but I have to keep it long so I don't get bored whilst Neil's away.

Now, I'm off to email my family to see if I can convince them to join us in this century and get online!


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