Saturday, August 06, 2005

Too much me

So, here I am on my eagerly anticipated weekend at home.

Had enough of it now.

It's OK to do my own thing, I like it. I'm not scared of it either. But, I don't like too much of it.

Had Friday night on my own and until now on Saturday and I've given myself enough stuff to do not to get bored but it's just kind of wierd. Empty house.

Doesn't help that I've been reading a very scary book. In fact I think it's the book that's made me feel this sad-anxious-nervous-jittery. And too much coffee....mmmm, nice coffeee....

The book is a Joe Simpson book (yes, Touching the Void guy). It's gripping and sad, gut emptyingly sad. Page after page of nervous tension, people being killed and the guys not stopping climbing.... I'm exhausted. I bought another of his books today but I really will have to wait a week before I read it. At least.

Oh well. No sign of The Family having rushed out to buy a webcam so they can chat to me and see me at the same time.... I can hope (and pester - and I will).

Right, I feel grubby so I'm off for a wash and to tackle more of my unending list of 'Must keep busy and not miss people' jobs.


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