Friday, December 30, 2005

Christmas things

As I was just saying I've been oop North for Christmas.

Arrived in Manchester on Christmas Eve eve, unfortunately I had told my aunt I'd be getting there on Christmas Eve so I was unexpected! Oops! Oh well, they didn't mind...

Had a lot of late nights - not so early mornings and more late nights. I have some photos but I am now in Leeds and my camera isn't. Although it is being couriered over by special delivery as my aunt is driving over with it (we're going to Canal Gardens too).

So I spent a few days in Manchester and then came over to Leeds to stay with Ceili, Dunc and Connor. Forgot to bring my camera which I was MOST annoyed about. I'm very gradually developing an addiction to the camera - it's not a rival for my web addiction yet but it's getting there.

The most annoying thing about forgetting my camera is that I went to York (by myself, for a bit of a think) and it was STUNNING! It was snowing the day I went so the place was all covered in sparkly white powder and hung with freezing fog. And I didn't have a camera, what a fool!

There was a great eerie moment walking back to my B&B about 9.30pm. I had to walk through the Minster Yard and as I looked down the street the end was shrouded in freezing fog. The Minster was invisible. It could have been hundreds of years ago. As I walked down the street parts of the Minster gradually loomed out of the fog - but you could feel the weight and presence of the parts which were still hidden. It was fantastically eerie! I was also listening to a very strange peice of music. That and the looming Minster sent shivers down my spine! (Kneel before your God by Lemon Jelly).

Got a sudden burst of loneliness in York so came back to Leeds earlier than intended and have had an even later night with Ceili!

Going to spend New Year with Clare and the gang at the Irish Centre. Will go back over to Manchester for a day or so and then it's back to Milton Keynes to resume the madness which is my life.

Will put up pics when I'm re-united with my secondary addiction and when I get the disposable camera developed!


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