Saturday, December 10, 2005

Too many late nights


After getting in at 1.25am last night I was really looking forward to having a relaxing night in tonight.

I'd completely forgotten about my department's night out for Christmas... more of a let's just go out than a Christmassy affair.

I wasn't impressed by my food.

The waitress didn't know what the soup was and didn't come back to tell us so I opted for the breaded brie. It turned out to be breaded but I don't quite know where the brie went.

I ordered baked Salmon which was supposed to come with roast and charlotte potatoes. I got the wrong potatoes. They took away my plate to correct this and brought it back with the other veg cold. They'd left the spurious steamed potatoes and added some roast ones on the side.

They looked like frozen roasties that you heat up in the oven, not actual fresh potatoes which have been roasted. The Salmon was OK but it had some nondescript sauce which tasted of nothing - not even the herb that it was impregnated with. It was supposed to be a champagne buttery sauce but tasted like bread sauce with all the flavour taken out. My vegetables were awful and even if they had been hot they would have been awful.

I had some vanilla cheesecake which was textured OK and tasted vaguely of artificial vanilla. I'd be surprised if there was any cheese flavouring in it, let alone actual cheese.

I was actually really bloated by the end of the meal by the amount of water I had to keep drinking to wash down the food. Plus I had managed a few glasses of red.

This place could be good for drinking in though - good ales! The had weissbeer and Speckled Hen on tap, (normally they would also have Amstel plus another 2 I've forgotten). Plus they have an open fire and it's cosy. The bar staff are very polite and tolerant too. As they proved.

The entertainment was provided by a member of our sister department getting resoundingly pissed and being a total prat. He completely stopped any conversations throughout the meal but those that involved him. He got rather lewd and loud towards the end and I think we were all getting a bit bored.

The funniest thing is going to be on Monday morning when he has to face everyone again!

Shame I have the day off now!


At 12:05 PM GMT, Blogger Nix said...

Rubbish compared to the awesome power which is MY CHEESECAKE!

Oh and the fact I forced you to eat a proper roast meal the other night!


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