Monday, February 27, 2006

I can't snowboard

Went snowboarding for my birthday.

I fell.

My hand hurts.

I landed on it... I know, I know, it's a bad idea to put your hands out when you're about to land on ice but when you're spinning over sideways in mid-air, trying not to dislocate both legs at the knee it's not the 1st thing that comes to mind.

What came to mind was 'stop this spinning business - now.'

Unfortunately my arm was linked to that thought and so took the brunt of things.

I must remember that falling is the last option not the 1st...

I have a bruise. Luckily there was a ready supply of cold stuff to put on it.

This was what I felt like:

This was what I was actually doing:

I think someone must be trying to tell me something. The last time I went snowboarding I spent half the session holding a bag of snow against my head after stopping the poma lift with it. An irregularly spaced pole came round and bashed me on the side of the head, knocking me over, making a noise which was loud enough to cause the nearest attendant to run and stopping the lift.

Lord only knows what I'll be like by the end of the week - going to 2 contemporary dance classes on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

As long as I don't do a Dad I'll be happy.

(he broke his leg playing soccer the day after turning 53....)


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