Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I know, I know there's so much I haven't said.

There's been no time!

I'm finding it hard to string a sentence together now because I haven't slept properly for over 2 weeks. I've been sleeping on an inflatable mattress (which I don't recommend, even if you have a healthy back) whilst looking for a 'real' bed.

Current routine goes along the lines of get up, rush about in a panic getting dressed and remembering the things I need not to forget, throwing some food into my mouth and running out of the door carring what appears to be my entire life in 2 bags, get into car, zoom to work, get in, sit down, breathe. Workworkwork, have lunch on phone/going to get things from town/collecting next round of boxes from storage at kind person's house, get back, breathe inhale some food, workworkwork, drive to gym/singing/dance, workworkwork, drive to shop, purchase household item, drive to another shop to seek household item, don't find it, try further shop, get tired drive home, unpack heavily laden small car, pile things into various locations in house, close door on room with main junk, build recently purchased furniture item, open a box and find temporary location to stash contents, navigate into kitchen via box carnage, cook, eat, read some things that I need to read online which I didn't have time to read during the day, search shop websites for household items that couldn't get earlier, remember basic item which was forgotten whilst in the ideal shop to purchase it earlier, go to add it to list and see it's already there but was temporarily invisible whilst in the shop. Wash, sleep, repeat.

So it's been 1.30am bed at the earliest for me most nights (mornings!) and not a restful night on an inflatobed on top of all this dashing about.

Took my frustrations out on a wasp the other night. It asked for it. It was MASSIVE. Honestly, it was [ This ] big. It buzzed and lurked. I mean it. It was in the landing, on the lampshade. I swatted it, the lampshade swung, making me tap the wasp and anger it. In fury it buzzed its way inside the lampshade. I dodged round it to close ALL the doors leading from the landing and hall and then went to sleep. Next morning it was gone! Seriously. All the doors had been closed. It had to be in the hall or landing and I couldn't find it. Thought it had crawled out somewhere so forgot about it. Later on I was changing clothes and sat on the edge of the inflatobed. When I stood up the darned thing flew out from under the edge of the bed, right by my foot.

Oh how I yelled.

It then took up its favourite spot inside the lampshade. I stalked it until it came out and sat on the side, I aimed my handy small book and this time I took account of the lampshade swing and bashed it good and proper. It still tried to go for me, even in its death throes. It got squished under the book for its effors. There!

I then had a nice cup of tea and a sit down. (because my hands were a bit shaky!)

All wasps must DIE.


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