Sunday, August 07, 2005

Used to me now

Ahh, that's better. Now I think I've relaxed into no visits or visitors weekend. Managed to spend a very happy Sunday doing nothing much at all.

Tried to fix the bathroom rack thing to the door but had to give it up cos I couldn't hold the drill for the required length of time. Have to fix these hooks into the top of the door then hang the rack from them. The drill was OK to hold, the screw was there, it went round but it stayed at the same height in spite of quite a few wood shavings being produced. Thought I'd use nails but the only ones I have are too long. If they go in squint at all they'll protrude through the door and the longer they are the more chance there is of that happening. Will get some shorter ones and try again.

Had a good read - of another Simpson book (not the one I bought another I'd borrowed so it's still not breaking my vow to wait a week before I read the one I bought). This one is not as scary so far. I feel drawn to read the bloody thing in the same way as he describes the climbing. I know it's going to be grim in places but I'm compelled to do it anyway.

Managed to sort out the piles of paperwork into organised piles instead of random piles. Now all I have to do is get something to put them in.

That's it, that was Sunday. I've shirked most of the stuff on my list, wasn't going to get through it all anyway but I didn't even try. Was all I could do to get through the paperwork! Did do quite a bit of washing though. (Did the seat covers, they've needed doing for a bit). I've just lounged and read and watched TV, how lazy! Will do some ironing of work clothing for tomorrow and make lunch when I finish my last dreg of wine (just a small glass as it's a school night). Then I guess it's time for a niiiice sleeep...

Going to be busy at work next week and no Pilates for 2 weeks, my back is going to be very stiff!

Oh well, I have no excuse for not getting back into the home rehab I should probably still be doing but haven't for a while.


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