Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Argh! Work! Rant!

The pressure!

Can I take any more?

I have 3 and a half weeks to build the pages to use as templates for the Intranet, there are lots of pages of content that need to be created based on them, we have less time that we should because something took a long time but we had to do it. I have to stop being distracted onto things that absorb my time and concentration and people are having a stress about whether email should be spelled email, e-Mail or e-mail!!!!


Well, actually I do. That's the sad thing about it all.

I care that we should not use e-Mail because it doesn't make sense, it's harder to type and makes it stand out unnecessarily (there is a logic to this choice - it's the same typing convention used to name the Company's products - but generic email isn't one of their products). I'm totally unconcerned about choosing one of the other two but this is the one that's being fought for...

There are now 3 and a half weeks until the 1st phase of the Intranet is due to be delivered.....

Christmas is going to be me rocking in a darkened corner...This is me now...


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