Thursday, November 17, 2005

Well, been back a bit then

Well, where to start eh?

I've been back from Seattle for almost a month and there's still no sign of the Pig...who was meant to be back the week after me....

So why haven't I said anything for this time?

I haven't been in.

Is the short answer.

I got back on the Monday was away at a friend's in Leeds the following weekend and then at another friend's in Oxford the weekend after that. That weekend was when the Pig's esteemed colleage arrived back from Seattle to discover a 'change' in circumstances. I found myself person sitting.

Then the pig came home. For one half day. Then he went to Barcelona and he's still there, he'll be back this weekend. So I've been visiting, person sitting, working and being ill.

I had a strange flu like virus thing which made me feel shivery and then hot and achey and nauseous, I was even sick at one point which took me completely by surprise (but I made it to a safe place, just, so there are no horrid stains to deal with).

I have no pics from Oxford because we talked the whole time, hadn't seen Mimi for about 2 years and we'd both had 2 jobs since then so we had a lot to celebrate (plus her husband passed his MBA)... not much picture taking but much talking and drinking ;o)

I have pics from Leeds which I shall put up in the next post, they were of a halloween party.

I also have pics from a day out in Cambridge as part of my person sitting duties... which will follow the halloween pics...

So, I have proof that I've been out and about and have had reason to be silent...

But I'm back now!


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