Sunday, December 04, 2005

The fruits of last night's labour

I wondered if my surf-night was at all productive so went to check out the number of additions to my bookmarks (which all have the strangest tags - I'll have to tidy up) and I did come across some cool stuff. So I wasn't going totally insane, I was finding interesting things and not just surfing in a cloud of sleepiness refusing to go to bed because it's the weekend and I don't have to....

Here are some of the things:

A really cool looking building:The Hearst Tower

A panoramic shot taken from the Hearst tower of the Manhattan Skyline

Floating robotic cubes that swarm: Description of the cubes and a video about them on the Discovery Channel website

Free electronic books

A competition from Virgin music stores - name the bands in the pic on this website - you have to load the site and then hover across the icons at the bottom and go to 'Exercise your music muscle'

And something that The colleague could have found a use for if he'd only heard of it earlier (he's arranged lodgings now, although he's not in them yet so there may still be a need for this temporary habitat


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