Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Yaaay! Company

Introducing Big Pig's little sister

At last another person talking about their own personal stuff. Now I don't feel so bad at doing it myself.

It's a bit wierd at 1st this old blogging thing. But as long as it's serving its purpose (of keeping in touch with people) that's alright.

Now I just have to check that the Oz crowd are getting the message. Progress - they're getting a webcam so we can see each other. I'll be able to see what my little sister and brother look like - I haven't seen even a picture of them for 4 years... which is shameful.

Speaking of things Oz, Circus Oz were brilliant! Reeely reeely good. Want to see them again. Made me get out the tennis balls and practice juggling. Got the bug again...

Just had Michelle over for dinner (we ate the salmon, not her). I've been going to hers each Wednesday on an adoption scheme thing where I go to cook at her house, I get company and she gets dinner. But I felt I should do the putting up this time.

We were treated to a grand lightning show! It's been seriously humid here the last few days (could barely breathe in the woods this lunchtime) and the lighting was quite something. 5 forks in a row, lighting up all the visible sky - but very little thunder and rain and hardly any wind, quite a serious and professional storm I thought. I don't appreciate the loud cracking ones so much, those claps of thunder that go crick-crack-rumble kind of scare me. But not anywhere near as much as being inside things which are struck. The fizzing crackle of the electricity is alarming and the cracking bang of the strike is so loud...

The house wasn't struck and Michelle was as edgy as me I'm relieved to say. Phew!

Going to the Parkses for dinner tomorrow for Justin's birthday... cool, doing lots this week - already did lots over the weekend. Michaela came to stay and on the Sunday we went to the Notting Hill Carnival. Got stuck in a crowd which was quite scary. Didn't like that bit much at all. Walked for miles and miles trying to get out, got misdirected to a bus route that wasn't by a stressed policeman and just had to come home and veg. Did some gardening on Monday (in case you're not in this country it was a Bank Holiday) and painted the fence so I'm kind of knackered already and it's only Wednesday.

Oh well, I plan to do nothing at least one day at the weekend...

Going to see if MSN is behaving now...


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